Submission Guidelines and Information for Contributors
The LCA Journal of Arbitration and Dispute Settlement is a journal in its field dedicated to Arbitration, Mediation, Conciliation, Hybrid dispute resolution and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) at large. Published by the University of Lagos Printing Press, it caters to scholars and researchers as well as arbitration practitioners and administrators, in-house counsel, students, and decision makers.
LCA Journal of Arbitration and Dispute Settlement explores and provides in-depth arguments and debates via articles, case reviews practice notes regarding current events, development(s) and timely issues in the Alternative Dispute Resolution sphere. Our Editorial Board welcomes submissions of articles which reflects legal issues or challenges regarding or related to dispute settlement both locally and internationally. Contributions are generally welcome from arbitrators, academics, and In-house counsel.
Articles for submission should typically be around 6000 – 8000 words. However, articles containing up to 10000 words may be considered for publication. Case comments and book reviews should be between 4000 to 6000 words while practice notes should generally not exceed 4000 words.
Except in special circumstances, the Editorial Board will not consider articles published or to be published elsewhere. Authors are asked to confirm that their transcript(s) is not and will not be published, or to explain the relevant conditions.
Copyright in the article will be assigned to the LCA.
The title and author of the article(s) should be clearly stated together with a brief personal description (max of 50 words) that the author may wish to see appear on the journal.
Contributors are asked to provide a brief headnote/abstract of not more than 100 words describing the content(s) of their article.
All articles are peer reviewed to ensure authenticity, accuracy, and relevance. Authors may also be required to revise the article prior to final acceptance.
All final manuscripts submitted should be written in the English Language and the referencing style to be used by authors will be the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA). Font; Times New Roman, Spacing; 2.0, Header and Footer size; 10, Font Size; 12.
Footnotes should be numbered 1-99 and must be as concise as possible. They should also be checked for accuracy, consistency, and completeness.
Terms and Conditions for Submission
All articles and manuscripts intended for the journal should be sent to the Commissioning Editor Name: Mariam Sulucanain Email: [email protected]
The article must be the original work of the author, must not have been previously published, and must not currently be under consideration by another Journal. If it contains materials that are someone else’s copyright, the unrestricted permission of the copyright owner must be obtained and evidence of this submission with the article should be clearly identified and acknowledged within the text. The article must not contain any libelous, illegal or infringements regarding copyrights or other rights.
Copyright shall be assigned to the LCA and the LCA will in turn have the exclusive right to first publication both to reproduce and or distribute an article (abstract inclusive) in printed, electronic or any other medium and in turn to authorize others to do the same. Following the first publication, such publishing rights shall be non-exclusive, except that publication in another journal will require acknowledgement and permission from the LCA. This permission may be obtained from the Editor
The name of the author will always be clearly associated with the article and their rights respected and secured.